Methods Six ewes underwent laparotomy. The fetal lambs were exposed by uterotomy and underwent median sternotomy. A 10 F arterial perfusion cannula was inserted into pulmonary artery and a 12~ 14 F venous cannula was put into right atrium. 方法选用6头怀孕山羊,切开子宫,暴露胎羊,正中开胸,经肺总动脉插10F动脉管,右心房插12~14F静脉管。
Perfusion of the lower body during EC from the cannulation at the desending aorta could avoid the insufficient blood supply to the lower limbs, ischemic changes postoPeratively or artery coarctation at cannula site which caused by cannulation at femoral artery. 术中降主动脉插管行下半身灌注,可避免因股动脉插管可能引起的灌注量受限、下肢供血不足、术后缺血性改变及术后插管处狭窄。
Methods: The simple mini-size perfusion cannula for continuous douche and negative pressure drainage was handmade and used on23 patients suffering from large hypodermal infected lacuna. 方法:用自制微型双套管实施持续冲洗负压吸引技术,处理23例感染创面修复后皮下巨大感染腔隙。